News & Pics
Taylor's Thesis Defense
Michael Emanuele
Taylor successfully defended her PhD thesis today!! The lab celebrated with an evening out at Vecino. Awesome job Taylor!
Lab Holiday Lunch 2021
Michael Emanuele
For the first time in too long, we got together for a lab lunch to celebrate the holiday season. We were greeted by some amazing weather and got to enjoy our late afternoon lunch outside in December. Thanks to everyone for another great year! From left: Mike, Amy, Derek, Megan, Xianxi, Carolyn, Thomas, Ryan, Taylor and Priya.
Lab Holiday Party 2019
Michael Emanuele
Lab from left: Xianxi, Jen, Mike, Taylor, Ryan, Thomas and Megan.
Thanks to everyone in the lab for another terrific year. This afternoon we enjoyed a fun time out at Tandem in Carrboro. Cheers to a happy holiday and great new year!
Thanks Carolina Hurricanes!
Michael Emanuele
Special thanks to the Carolina Hurricanes and NHL for their Hockey Fights Cancer fundraiser. I had the opportunity to talk about the importance of funding for cancer research here in North Carolina during the intermission. Enjoy the interview, and Mike’s TV debut, at the link here.
Congrats- Dr. Anthony Arceci
Michael Emanuele
Anthony successfully defended his PHD thesis this past week. Great work on an excellent graduate career.
Anthony's paper on FoxM1 is out in Cell Reports!
Michael Emanuele
Anthony’s paper describing a mechanism promoting proliferation of aggressive, triple-negative breast cancer cells is out in Cell Reports. Congrats!
Thomas' paper on Cezanne-APC/C is out in EMBO Journal
Michael Emanuele
Our paper describing an antagonistic relationship between the APC/C cell cycle ligase, and the DUB Cezanne, is out in EMBO! Congrats Thomas.
Pomp and Circumstance for Allie Mills
Michael Emanuele
Allie attended the UNC Grad School Graduation Ceremony on Saturday May 12, 2018 in the Dean Smith Center. Also, it was Mike's first "hooding ceremony", evident in the poor job he did trying to "hood" Allie on stage! Congrats again Allie.
Allie Mills and Mike Emanuele, UNC Graduation, May 2018
Allie's going away party
Michael Emanuele
We celebrated Allie's graduation and her last days in the lab at The Pit in Durham. Sad she will be leaving, but happy she is going to a great place (Hirschey Lab @ Duke). And, we aren't ones to complain about great bbq!
Form right: Anthony, Thomas, Allie, Jen and Ana